About our Group

Who are Matt Talbot Group 104 members? 

We are a group of men (Group 104 is a men-only group) who, like dozens of other Matt Talbot groups across the country, hold retreats that serve to further strengthen our foundation of recovery from alcohol and/or other substances.  Generally speaking, individual Matt Talbot groups consist of members from similar locations; the majority of Group #104’s membership reside on Long Island and in the tri-state area. 


How can I join Matt Talbot Group 104? 

Anyone in recovery who attends a Matt Talbot Group #104 retreat for the first time and does not belong to another group qualifies for membership.  Each member receives his own registered number, as well as a medallion signifying this membership.  Once you are a Matt Talbot Group #104 member, you are forever welcome as a lifetime member of our brotherhood. 

What if I belong to another Matt Talbot Group, can I still attend?

If you joined a different group in the past you can still attend our retreats.  This can happen due to schedule conflicts where members can't make their regular group and still want to attend a retreat. Another example is if they moved away or changed sponsors to a group #104 member. All are welcome to our retreats. 


How often does Matt Talbot Group 104 hold retreats?

Our retreats are held twice per year, typically during the Winter & Summer seasons.


Where are Matt Talbot Group 104 retreats held? 

For the foreseeable future, our retreats are held at Cormaria Retreat Center, NY.  


How long are Matt Talbot Group 104 retreats? 

Retreats last from Friday evening until Sunday.  Check in is usually around 5:30pm followed by a lite dinner available from 6:00pm - 8:00pm.  On Sunday morning we start the day with meditation and prayer, and then fuel you with a good breakfast before you head out.  We’ll have you recharged and on the road by 11:30a - 12:00pm.  


What is the price for each retreat? 

The retreat cost is $300 per person. (Rates may change per year.)

What is included for this price? 

Included in this price are sleeping accommodations, all meals during your stay (lite dinner on Friday, three meals on Saturday, breakfast on Sunday), coffee and tea throughout the day, and the group’s payment to our retreat leader. 


What if I can only attend on Saturday?

We offer a "Day Trip" option for those who are only able to attend Saturday. The "Day Trip” includes breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Please contact us for the “Day Trip”  cost and availability following this LINK. Please specify that you are interested in the “Day Trip” option.

Is assistance available for those with financial constraints?

Yes.  Matt Talbot Group 104 regularly provides full or partial scholarships to new or existing members with financial constraints.  Though we are fully self-supporting, we are far more concerned with your sobriety than with your money.  Please do not hesitate to inquire about a full or partial scholarship (upon availability).